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Covid-19 Restrictions Update - July 17, 2021

This week, the Province of Manitoba announced that as of 12:01 a.m. on Saturday, July 17, the following changes to public health orders will be in place:

  • Outdoor organized sports and recreation activities group size increases to 50 people, with no tournaments allowed. Spectators are allowed and do not count towards the 50 person capacity limit. Spectators must maintain a separation of at least two metres from other spectators.

  • Individual play, group and individual instruction and team practices may take place at an indoor sporting facility, but no organized team games or tournaments may be held at the facility. Intrasquad scrimmages can occur.

    • one group of people participating in a sporting activity indoors, excluding coaches or instructors, cannot exceed 25 persons.

    • when multiple groups engage in a sporting activity at the same time in the same facility they cannot interact.

    • dressing rooms must be limited to 50% of the usual capacity or to a number that ensures that all persons in the dressing room are able to maintain a separation of at least two metres from other persons, whichever is lesser.

    • all portions of the facility, other than dressing rooms and the areas where sporting activities are conducted, is limited to 25% of the usual capacity.

    • Masks are still required at all times for indoor public places.

  • Indoor and outdoor swimming pools must:

    • limit the number of members of the public in the pool to 50% of the usual capacity of the pool.

    • implement measures to ensure that members of the public in the pool are reasonably able to maintain a separation of at least two metres from other members of the public.

  • Day camp group sizes increase to a maximum of 25 participants per group. If you will be running a day camp, contact tracing measures should be in place and public health recommends you provide an after-hours contact name and phone number that would be checked on evenings and weekends to participants for the purpose of a COVID-19 investigation. More details are in this letter (PDF).

All the return to play protocols, along with general covid prevention measures must continue to be followed. Thank you for your efforts in getting us all back to sport safely!

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