This week, the Province of Manitoba announced that as of 12:01 a.m. on Saturday, June 26, the following changes to public health orders will be in place until August 2:
Outdoor organized sports and recreation activities may reopen for groups up to 25 people, with no tournaments allowed. We received clarification that the group of 25 includes all participants. In addition to the group of 25 participants, you are allowed up to 25 spectators, physically distanced by at least 2 metres, as per the outdoor gathering size limit for public spaces.
Indoor organized sport and recreation activities may reopen to groups of no more than 5 athletes plus coaches/instructors.
The five-athlete plus coach/instructor groups cannot intermingle.
No tournaments are allowed.
Dressing rooms are limited to 50% of the usual capacity or to a number that ensures that all persons in the dressing room are able to maintain a separation of at least two metres from other persons, whichever is lesser.
Masks are required at all times for indoor settings.
Example: a playing surface could have multiple groups of 5, as long as they do not mix.
Swimming and wading pools, both indoor and outdoor, may reopen at 25 per cent capacity.
Gyms and fitness facilities may reopen at 25 per cent capacity with three metres distance maintained between patrons.
Individual and group fitness classes are allowed
Changerooms may open to 50% capacity, including showers
Masks are required at all times for indoors settings
Day camps may reopen with a maximum of 20 participants per group
There are currently no age restrictions connected with this order but the intention around allowing camps came from a child care perspective, and we ask all sports to use their best judgement with regards to what truly is a day camp.
All the return to play protocols you’ve established and general covid prevention measures must continue to be followed.
Further, Manitobans who are fully immunized (two vaccine doses plus two weeks from the time of their second dose) will now benefit from additional exemptions. It is so important to get vaccinated. Answers to frequently asked questions and information on the individual vaccines is available:
What does this mean for cheerleading?
Stunting is allowed for up to 15 minutes accumulative.
All athletes must wear masks.
No intermingling groups or coaches.
Masks are not required, however, masks are highly recommended. Please respect athelete's/coaches' risk tolerance in regards to mask wearing.
At this time, there isn’t a time limit but please do your due diligence to mitigate any risk.
As always, please ensure you are using strict sanitizing and social distancing protocols. Cheer Manitoba will be updating our Return to Play protocols shortly to realign with the current provincial guidelines. These protocols will be emailed to members and will be posted on our website.