We understand that the provincial team is a new concept in Manitoba so we have a list of FAQs we hope will answer some of the questions athletes and families may have about this exciting initiative. If you have any other questions, please email!
team manitoba faqs
Team Manitoba
What is Team Manitoba?
Team Manitoba is a provincial cheerleading program composed of athletes from clubs and schools from all over Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario. The Team Manitoba program has two teams: a youth median team (ages 12-14). A junior advanced team (ages 15-18). The purpose of this program is for athletes to train, learn new skills, meet new friends and coaches and have fun learning the ICU style format for an opportunity to represent Manitoba and Canada!
Skills Guideline
What skills do athletes need to be on these two teams?
Here is a list of skills recommended for each level: SKILLS GUIDELINE. It is not required that athletes have all these skills at tryouts but it is a guideline to work toward as the season progresses and it is what Cheer Canada will look at when determining which teams will represent them at the Pan American Cheerleading Championships and ICU Worlds.
When will practices take place?
Practices will be determined by the coaching staff and will be communicated with athletes and families once teams are selected.
Program Goals
What are the goals for the Team Manitoba program this year?
The ultimate goal this season is for our team(s) to be selected to represent Canada at the 2024 Pan American Cheerleading Championship in fall of 2024 which will take place in the Niagara region. We are also applying to represent Canada at ICU Worlds in April 2024 in Florida and will only do that competition IF we don’t get awarded the opportunity to go to the Pan American Cheerleading Championships.
Additional Travel
Will Team Manitoba travel to any other competitions other than those already listed?
Any additional travel would be up to families and coaches and will be discussed as a group at the beginning of the season. There could be additional competitions such as the Canadian Cheer Championships taking place in Nova Scotia in May 2024. Team Manitoba may also choose to perform at local competitions in Manitoba.
What does it cost to be on Team Manitoba?
There is a Team Manitoba uniform fee of $120, a Team Manitoba apparel package (TBD) and a $250 fee split between athletes for the Cheer Canada application for ICU Worlds and $250 fee split between athletes for the Cheer Canada application for Pan American Cheerleading Championships. The cost per athlete for either of these championships is roughly the same. You can find the breakdown from the 2022 Pan American Cheerleading Championships which took place in Chile HERE. We estimate the costs for the Pan American Cheerleading Championships will be less this year as this championship will be taking place in Canada. (Prices will be set by Cheer Canada – information which has not been shared yet.)
Sponsorship & Fundraising
Will there be opportunities for the teams to find sponsors or to fundraise this season?
Cheer Manitoba is seeking out corporate sponsorship to support our Team Manitoba program. If families would like to organize fundraisers to support their teams, each team is more than welcome to look at those options and form fundraising committees. Cheer Manitoba would support those initiatives and promote them on our website and on our social media platforms.